A North Korean propaganda song lauding Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un has gained significant traction on the social media platform TikTok, especially in South Korea. This rise in popularity has led South Korean authorities to ban the song, according to a BBC report on Wednesday (May 22).

The viral tune praises Kim Jong Un as a 'friendly father' and 'great leader'. Media regulators in Seoul noted that the music video for the song, released in April, violates South Korea's national security law by idolizing and glorifying the North Korean leader.

The Seoul Communications Standards Commission stated on Monday that the song has been part of North Korea's psychological warfare against South Korea. They plan to block 29 versions of the 'Friendly Father' music video on TikTok, although specifics on the execution of this ban were not provided. This decision follows a request from South Korea's National Intelligence Service.

International analysts have highlighted the potential dangers of such content, emphasizing that the song's focus on unilaterally idolizing and glorifying Kim Jong Un could have adverse effects in South Korea. The spread of the song on a platform like TikTok, intended to connect with a global audience, underscores the complexity of managing information warfare in the digital age.