Amidst the destruction caused by ongoing conflicts, residents of Gaza gathered for Friday prayers in Khan Yunis, with many praying next to the ruins of the Al Islam mosque.

Footage released from the scene shows Gazans, including those who have lost the ability to walk, preparing to pray within the partially destroyed mosque. Some worshippers arrived in wheelchairs, determined to participate in the communal prayer despite the devastation.

In the streets surrounding the mosque, a large number of Palestinians assembled, many visibly emotional, shedding tears as they stood in prayer. The imam led the congregation from within the broken remains of the mosque, symbolizing resilience and faith in the face of adversity.

Addressing the congregation, the imam affirmed that despite the continuous and intense attacks, Palestinians would persist in performing Jumma prayers at the mosque. This act of devotion highlighted the community's steadfast spirit and determination to maintain their religious practices even amidst the direst circumstances.