The Maldivian government has announced a ban on Israeli passport holders entering the country. This decision, aimed at expressing solidarity with the besieged Gaza Strip, means no Israeli citizens will be allowed into the Maldives, a small Muslim-majority nation in the Indian Ocean. The news was reported by Al Jazeera and CNN.

A spokesperson for President Mohammad Muizzu confirmed the impending ban in a statement on Sunday, although specific details about the implementation date have not been disclosed. This announcement comes amidst rising public anger in the Maldives against Israeli actions in Gaza, which began escalating last October.

In support of Palestine, President Muizzu also launched a national fundraiser called "Maldives in Solidarity with Palestine."

Official statistics show that about 11,000 Israeli passport holders visited the Maldives last year, making up 0.6 percent of the total tourists. However, this number drastically declined to only 528 in the first four months of this year, an 88 percent drop compared to the same period last year.

The decision follows mounting pressure from opposition parties and coalition allies urging President Muizzu to take a firm stance against Israel by banning its citizens from entering the Maldives.