Sao Paulo, (14 June 2024) — 95-year-old Noam Chomsky, renowned American intellectual and critic of US foreign policy, is currently hospitalized in Sao Paulo after suffering a stroke. Despite his serious condition, Chomsky remains vocal about the ongoing Israeli aggression in Gaza.

Chomsky suffered a stroke in June last year, leading to a decline in his health. Currently, he is undergoing treatment in Brazil, where he has resided with his wife since 2015. Reports indicate that Chomsky is critically ill but continues to stay informed about global events.

Even from his hospital bed, Chomsky has not wavered in his stance against Israeli actions in Gaza. He has been an outspoken critic of Israeli policies for years, consistently condemning the blockade and military actions against Palestinians. Recently, Chomsky was seen protesting with a raised fist from his bed upon viewing images of the Gaza conflict.

Chomsky's wife confirmed that he is monitoring the situation in Gaza through Brazilian newspapers. In an interview with Al Jazeera conducted shortly before his stroke, Chomsky described Israel's blockade and invasion of Gaza as the "greatest crime" of our time.

Noam Chomsky is widely regarded as a leading voice in political activism, philosophy, and linguistics. He has inspired millions worldwide with his critical views on US foreign policy and his advocacy for freedom and justice. His continued commitment to the Palestinian cause, even in poor health, underscores his enduring influence and dedication to human rights.

As Chomsky battles his illness, his unwavering stance against injustice continues to resonate globally. His legacy as a symbol of protest and freedom remains strong, reminding the world of the importance of standing up for oppressed populations.