Tel Aviv, (14 June 2024) — Israel's northern region was rocked by a major offensive from Hezbollah on Thursday evening, June 13. The Lebanese armed group launched an unprecedented attack, firing thirty drones and over 100 rockets, according to reports by Al Jazeera.

Hezbollah has claimed that this is the largest simultaneous drone and rocket assault they have ever conducted against Israel. The targets included an Israeli army command center, an intelligence office, and military barracks.

The Israeli military confirmed that 40 rockets and seven drones crossed into Israeli territory. The attack caused fires in multiple locations in the northern part of the country, leading to significant damage and a scramble by Israeli emergency services to control the situation.

Tensions along the Israel-Lebanon border have been escalating since the onset of the Gaza conflict. This latest surge in violence follows the recent killing of a top Hezbollah leader in Tel Aviv, which has intensified the group's retaliatory actions against Israel.

The large-scale attack marks a significant escalation in the ongoing conflict between Hezbollah and Israel, highlighting the increasing volatility in the region. As both sides brace for further confrontations, the situation remains highly fluid and dangerous.