Gaza Strip, (14 June 2024)— As Muslims around the world prepare to celebrate Eid al-Adha, the children of Gaza face another day of sorrow and hardship. Lacking clean drinking water, sufficient food, and adequate shelter, the festive spirit is overshadowed by the harsh realities of war.

Qatar-based news media Al Jazeera reports that since the Gaza-Israel conflict intensified on October 7 last year, at least 37,232 Palestinians have lost their lives, with another 85,037 injured. The prolonged conflict has left the region devastated, making celebrations impossible for many families.

A poignant video shared on social media captures a young Gazan's despair: "There is nothing in Gaza that can reflect the celebration of Eid or even its joy," the child says. 

Reflecting on the ongoing conflict, the child mentions, "We expected the war to last a few days or weeks, but not months. We have already passed the holy month of Ramadan and Eid-ul-Fitr and we could not celebrate them."

With Eid al-Adha approaching, the child’s words resonate deeply: “Now Eid-ul-Azha is almost here and we have nothing. No money to buy animals for sacrifice or new clothes. We have nothing but killing and destruction. Eid came in the middle of grief and pain."

The dire conditions in Gaza have drawn international concern. The blockade and ongoing conflict have severely restricted access to basic necessities. Humanitarian organizations continue to struggle to deliver aid, and the local infrastructure is in shambles.

  • Water and Food Scarcity: Clean drinking water and food supplies are critically low.
  • Shelter: Many families live in damaged or temporary shelters, with little protection from the elements.
  • Healthcare: Medical facilities are overwhelmed, and many injured lack proper care.

International aid organizations and governments have called for increased support and a resolution to the conflict. However, the delivery of aid is complicated by ongoing hostilities and political barriers.

As Eid al-Adha nears, the children of Gaza represent a poignant reminder of the human cost of conflict. Their voices call for peace and support, hoping for a future where they can celebrate without fear or deprivation. The global community faces the challenge of addressing their immediate needs while working towards a long-term solution to bring stability and hope to the region.