Washington, D.C., 27 June 2024– The United States is gearing up for its presidential election in November, with incumbent President Joe Biden of the Democratic Party set to face off against former President Donald Trump of the Republican Party. The two candidates, aged 81 and 78 respectively, are preparing for the first of two scheduled debates, which will take place at CNN's Atlanta studios on Thursday at 9 p.m. local time.

This election season is marked by high tensions and significant international interest, particularly given the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict and the pressing issues of the U.S. economy, immigration, and democracy. Public opinion polls indicate a close race between Biden and Trump, heightening the stakes for their debates.

The debates are expected to cover a wide range of topics, including the U.S. economy, foreign wars, immigration policies, and the future of democracy. Both candidates have been critical of each other's records and policies, setting the stage for intense exchanges.

  • Foreign Policy: Biden's administration has been leading international efforts against Russia in the Ukraine war, a stance Trump has criticized, arguing against unrestrained aid to Ukraine. Trump's foreign policy record includes recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital, a move that has had significant implications for U.S.-Middle East relations.
  • Domestic Issues: Both candidates are likely to address domestic concerns such as the economy, healthcare, and immigration. Biden's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and Trump's economic policies during his tenure are expected to be focal points of debate.

While both Biden and Trump are similar in age, there is a greater public concern about Biden's age. Missteps or mumbles during the debates could influence voters' perceptions and potentially alter the election's outcome.

In a separate development, Rahul Gandhi of India's Congress party has assumed the role of Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha, the lower house of India's Parliament. This marks a significant moment for the Congress party, as Gandhi is now positioned to participate in critical decision-making processes, including the appointment of key officials.

The Biden-Trump rivalry is unusual in American politics, with the incumbent and former presidents facing off in direct debates. This dynamic adds an extra layer of intrigue and significance to the upcoming election and debates.

The international community and American citizens alike will be closely watching the debates to gauge the candidates' positions and capabilities. The outcomes of these debates could play a crucial role in shaping voter sentiment ahead of the November election.