Tel Aviv, 27 June 2024 – Amid rising tensions and escalating attacks from Hezbollah, Israel has signaled a preference for a diplomatic resolution to avoid a full-scale conflict. This information was conveyed by the U.S. State Department, indicating that a peaceful solution is possible and in the best interests of both Israel and Lebanon.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant's intentions were indirectly confirmed through communications with U.S. officials. The U.S. State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller emphasized that Washington believes diplomacy can defuse the ongoing tensions. However, questions remain about Israel's commitment to this approach, given previous instances where Galant's statements were contradicted by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Miller clarified that while he could not speak for all members of the Israeli government, assurances had been received from Galant that Israel is not seeking an all-out war. "There are different opinions within the Israeli government," Miller noted, "but the message we received is that a diplomatic solution is preferred to allow millions of Israeli and Lebanese families to return to their homes."

Hezbollah's recent attacks on Israel have intensified in response to the aggression in Gaza, leading to significant displacement. Israel has evacuated 62,000 residents from the border area, while over 90,000 people have been displaced within Lebanon. The CEO of Israel's state-controlled power company Noga, Shaul Goldstein, warned that an all-out war with Hezbollah could severely damage the power system.

The U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin reiterated Washington's efforts to enable civilians in both Israel and Lebanon to return to their homes safely. He highlighted the historical context of the Israeli-Lebanese enmity, suggesting that a renewed conflict would be detrimental to both nations.

As Hezbollah's attacks continue and the situation in Gaza remains unresolved, U.S. officials fear that further escalation could lead to increased casualties. The international community watches closely, hoping for a diplomatic breakthrough that can prevent further suffering on both sides.