Atlanta, 28 June 2024- The first face-to-face debate between former President Donald Trump and current President Joe Biden ahead of the US presidential election took place at CNN's Atlanta studios, marked by intense exchanges, particularly on foreign policy and personal conduct.

The Ukraine war emerged as a central issue, with Biden attacking Trump over his handling of foreign policy. Biden criticized Trump's criminal convictions and questioned his ethics, asserting that Trump's actions have compromised the nation's integrity.

Trump, in turn, lashed out at Biden, focusing on economic issues and foreign policy missteps. He accused Biden of making the United States unsafe and damaging its international reputation. Trump also blamed Biden's policies for the recent Hamas attacks on Israel, claiming, "We have been living in hell for three and a half years."

Trump further argued that Biden's leadership has emboldened foreign adversaries. He stated that dictators like North Korea's Kim Jong Un and China's Xi Jinping do not respect or fear Biden, warning of the potential for a third world war under Biden's administration.

Biden didn't hold back on personal attacks, alleging that Trump committed numerous crimes, including having an affair with a porn star while his wife was pregnant. He also accused Trump of wanting to cut Social Security and Medicare benefits.

This debate marks the first direct confrontation between the two leaders in the lead-up to the US presidential election scheduled for November 5. The exchange highlights the stark differences in their policies and personal conduct, setting the stage for a contentious election season.