Beirut, 29 June 2024 – The Lebanese armed organization Hezbollah launched a series of rocket attacks on an Israeli military base in northern Israel on Thursday, in retaliation for an Israeli airstrike in Lebanon that killed four of its fighters. Hezbollah claimed to have fired "several dozen" rockets, targeting a military base, Israel's main airport, and a missile defense base.

Hezbollah reported that the attack was a response to the Israeli strikes in Nabatieh and Shohmar, using Katyusha rockets to hit Israel's main air and missile defense base. The Israeli military confirmed the attack, stating that approximately 35 rockets were fired from Lebanon, most of which were intercepted and brought down. No casualties were reported on the Israeli side. The Israeli military warned that these attacks would be met with a response in due time.

In a separate statement, Hezbollah detailed the loss of four of its fighters due to Israeli strikes, including one killed in the attack on Shohmar. Additionally, Hezbollah claimed to have carried out two more attacks targeting Israeli troops and positions, including a drone strike.

The escalating conflict has drawn international concern. The United States, Germany, and Turkey have expressed worries about the potential expansion of the war. Both Berlin and Washington emphasized the risks of further escalation.

According to Al Jazeera, tensions between Israel and Hezbollah have been intensifying, with over 7,400 counterattacks occurring in the past nine months. The number of Israeli attacks significantly outpaces those from Hezbollah, though Hezbollah has targeted critical Israeli installations. The conflict has resulted in 21 Israeli fatalities from 1,258 Hezbollah attacks, including significant damage from rocket-induced fires inside Israel.

As both sides brace for potential further escalation, the international community continues to monitor the situation closely, urging restraint to avoid a broader regional conflict.