Tel Aviv, 29 June 2024- Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant issued a stark warning to Lebanon, stating that Israel has the capability to "send Lebanon into the Stone Age" if it engages in all-out war. Galant made these comments to American journalists on Thursday after arriving in the United States to discuss the ongoing conflict with Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

This strong rhetoric marks a shift from Galant's earlier stance. Just two days prior, he had expressed Israel's desire to avoid war with Hezbollah. However, upon his arrival in the U.S., his tone hardened, emphasizing that while Israel prefers diplomacy, it is fully prepared to take military action if necessary.

"We do not want to spoil relations with our neighboring countries because of this war. But if war breaks out, the Israeli army is capable of destroying Lebanon," Galant declared. He added that Hezbollah is well aware of the devastation Israel could inflict if hostilities escalate.

The Lebanese-Israeli border has been increasingly volatile since the start of the Gaza conflict. Tensions have heightened with frequent skirmishes between Israeli forces and Hezbollah fighters. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has also alluded to the possibility of an all-out war, while Lebanese and Hezbollah leaders have issued their own threats.

During his visit to the U.S., Galant stressed that Hamas must "suffer the consequences" if it rejects the United Nations' proposals for a hostage exchange and ceasefire. He reiterated Israel's objective to swiftly conclude its operations in Gaza before potentially focusing on the northern border with Lebanon.

"It's important to clarify that our war is not with the people of Gaza or Lebanon," Galant stated. "Our war is against Hamas, Hezbollah, and their sponsors—the Iranian regime. We only fight against those who want to harm us."

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, during a meeting with Galant, urged for diplomatic resolutions to avoid a broader conflict. Austin warned that another full-scale war with Hezbollah could have catastrophic consequences for the entire Middle East, emphasizing the need for peaceful negotiations.

In a related development, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan pledged support for Lebanon to counter Israel's aggressive policies. In a phone call with Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati, Erdoğan expressed Türkiye's commitment to standing by Lebanon and stated his country's desire to see the defeat of the Zionist government.

As tensions continue to escalate, the international community watches closely, hoping for a diplomatic solution to avert further bloodshed in the region.