Washington D.C., June 30 2024 — The New York Times has sparked controversy by suggesting that President Joe Biden should withdraw from the upcoming presidential race following a debated encounter with former President Donald Trump. The newspaper's editorial board issued a statement citing concerns over Biden's performance and health during the debate.

In an editorial titled 'President Biden Should Leave the Race to Serve the Country,' The New York Times criticized Biden for failing to reassure the American public about his ability to handle the demands of another term. The editorial acknowledged Biden's struggle to counter Trump's provocations and hold him accountable for misinformation and policy failures during the debate.

The editorial board expressed intentions to continue supporting Biden in the upcoming Biden-Trump contest scheduled for November, despite calling for his withdrawal now. They highlighted Biden's perceived difficulty in articulating his vision for a second term and his apparent struggle to maintain a strong presence against Trump's rhetoric.

The debate, aired by CNN last Thursday, has sparked discussions about Biden's age and performance compared to Trump, who is three years older. Critics have pointed out Biden's perceived faltering responses and struggles to effectively counter Trump's attacks during the debate.

As of now, there have been no formal announcements from Biden's camp regarding his candidacy. The debate and subsequent media commentary have ignited debate within political circles about Biden's viability as a candidate for re-election in 2024.