Riyadh, July 1 2024 — As the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah intensifies, Saudi Arabia's embassy in Lebanon has advised its citizens to avoid visiting the country and those already there to leave immediately. The embassy is closely monitoring the current flow of events in South Lebanon, according to a statement reported by Arab News.

The Saudi embassy urged citizens to avoid traveling to Lebanon and to notify the embassy in advance if travel is absolutely necessary. They also requested those currently in Lebanon to leave the country immediately and advised citizens to contact the embassy in any emergency situation.

This advisory follows Iran's warning of potential warfare against Israel. On Saturday, Iran cautioned Tel Aviv that any Israeli attack on Lebanon would be met with resistance from Iran and its regional allies, collectively known as "All Resistance Fronts."

Germany also urged its citizens to leave Lebanon as soon as possible last Wednesday, citing the risk of increased violence between Israel and Hezbollah.

The warnings come amid growing fears of a broader regional war due to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Lebanon's Iran-backed Hezbollah group. Hezbollah has been engaged in almost daily firefights with Israel since the start of the war in Gaza on October 7 last year.

The heightened tensions and warnings underscore the volatility in the region and the potential for an expanded conflict that could involve multiple countries and affect international security.