Just one day after a special court in Pakistan found Imran Khan guilty of disclosing state secrets and handed down a 10-year prison sentence, a Pakistani court on Wednesday, January 31, sentenced Khan and his spouse to 14 years in prison for corruption.

A day after another special court found former Pakistani prime minister Imran Khan guilty of leaking state secrets and handed him a 10-year prison sentence, Khan and his wife were sentenced to 14 years in prison on Wednesday for corruption, according to Khan's attorney and prison officials.

Since his overthrow in 2022, Khan has received three convictions and sentences.

In the most recent case, Khan and his spouse were charged with keeping and selling gifts from the state when the previous prime was in office.

Read More: Pakistan former PM Imran Khan to 10 years in prison

Before Pakistan's parliamentary elections on February 8, the court also barred Khan from holding any public office for years. Khan's attorney, Babar Awan, claimed that the judge did not wait for the former prime minister's legal team to arrive because the former leader was found guilty and sentenced quickly.

He noted that Khan's fundamental rights as a human being had been violated and that higher courts will review the most recent conviction and sentence.

He remarked, "It looks like the judge was eager to deliver the decision."

The principal spokesman for Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, or PTI, party, Zulfiqar Bukhari, likewise attested to the verdict and punishment.

In the most recent case, Khan and his spouse were charged with keeping and selling gifts from the state when the previous prime was in office. Photo Collected

The most recent event occurred three weeks after Khan and his spouse, Bushra Bibi, were charged with graft for keeping gifts from the Saudi Arabian government, including watches and jewelry, according to the authorities.

The most recent court judgment dealt Khan yet another setback. When the allegations were read out in court earlier this month in the prison located in the garrison city of Rawalpindi, Muhammad and Bibi entered a not guilty plea.

Khan arrived at the courtroom just as the judge was announcing the outcome.

In April 2022, Khan was removed from office by a vote of no confidence in Parliament. Even after being found guilty and given a prison sentence for corruption, he is still well-liked and faces other unresolved legal matters.
