Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina reaffirmed the government's dedication to identifying and resolving challenges within the insurance industry, emphasizing its critical role in the country's economic development and social welfare.

In her message on National Insurance Day, observed on March 1 under the theme 'Karbo Bima Garbo Desh, Smart Hobe Bangladesh' (Build a Secure Nation with Insurance, Let Bangladesh Shine Smartly), Prime Minister Hasina highlighted the legacy of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in nationalizing the insurance sector to foster economic empowerment post-independence.

Prime Minister Hasina underscored the government's vision to propel Bangladesh towards becoming a developed and prosperous 'Smart Bangladesh' by 2041, with insurance playing a pivotal role in achieving this goal. She emphasized the need to increase the insurance sector's contribution to the GDP, aligning with global standards, and leveraging technology for sustainable economic development and improved quality of life.

Acknowledging the challenges faced by the insurance industry, Prime Minister Hasina outlined various initiatives, including the implementation of the Bangladesh Insurance Sector Development Project for digitalization, scholarships to nurture actuaries, and the introduction of bancassurance policies to broaden insurance coverage.

Prime Minister Hasina also highlighted the government's efforts in launching various insurance schemes such as 'Expatriate Worker Insurance,' 'Bangabandhu Shiksha Bima,' and 'Bangabandhu Suraksha Bima' to ensure financial security and social protection for different segments of society.

She emphasized the importance of expedited insurance claim settlements, extending insurance coverage to underserved communities, and offering specialized insurance products like microinsurance, agricultural insurance, and health insurance to address diverse needs and risks.

Prime Minister Hasina concluded her message by expressing hope for widespread insurance coverage across the country, ensuring comprehensive protection for all citizens and assets.

The National Insurance Day-2024 was inaugurated by Prime Minister Hasina at the Bangabandhu International Conference Centre (BICC), where she also launched the bank-insurance service to streamline insurance processes. The event, organized jointly by the Ministry of Finance and the Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority (IDRA), aims to foster greater awareness about insurance among the public and recognize contributions to the insurance sector's development.