Dhaka, Mar 02 (V7N) –To enhance professionalism, adaptability, and operational capacity, the Bangladesh Coast Guard regularly conducts various training programs.
Joint training sessions are crucial in strengthening its operational capabilities.
As part of this effort, the "Investigative Interview Course", jointly organized by the Australian High Commission and the Bangladesh Coast Guard, commenced on Sunday at 10am.
It was held at the Hotel Westin, Dhaka.
The training workshop was inaugurated by Md. Ziaul Hoque, OSP, NDC, AFWC, PSC, director general of the Bangladesh Coast Guard.
A total of 12 officials from the Bangladesh Coast Guard, Bangladesh Police (Immigration Police - Special Branch), and Bangladesh Customs are participating in this program.
The training is expected to significantly enhance their investigative skills, ensuring more effective information gathering and contributing to a more efficient judicial process.
The Bangladesh Coast Guard remains committed to continuing such capacity-building initiatives in the future.