During an address at a dinner organized by the Bangladesh Administrative Service Association (BASA) at the Bangabandhu International Conference Centre, the Prime Minister urged government officials to prioritize the needs of the people and actively work towards serving them. Emphasizing the importance of inclusive governance, she stated, "Our every scheme would be involving the people."

She highlighted the government's commitment to establishing a transparent, accountable, and public welfare-oriented administration aimed at providing standard services to the citizens. The Prime Minister stressed the importance of good governance in ensuring improved and standardized services for the people.

Referring to the Bangladesh Awami League's election manifesto, she reiterated the government's dedication to fulfilling its promises, which have led to significant changes in the country over the past 15 years. Sheikh Hasina attributed Bangladesh's visible development to the government's consistent adherence to its manifesto while formulating national budgets.

Acknowledging both domestic and international challenges, the Prime Minister reaffirmed Bangladesh's sovereignty and determination to pursue its development agenda independently. She emphasized that the country's progress should be understood and appreciated by its own people, rather than foreign entities.

Furthermore, Sheikh Hasina asserted Bangladesh's stance against foreign interference in its development programs, emphasizing the nation's autonomy in decision-making processes. She reiterated that Bangladesh will prioritize its socioeconomic conditions, the mentality of its people, and its geographical location in its development plans, rejecting any external interference.

In conclusion, the Prime Minister underscored Bangladesh's commitment to its development trajectory, emphasizing self-reliance and sovereignty in implementing its development agendas.