Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina emphasized the importance of medical research over private practice among doctors in Bangladesh. She expressed concern that many doctors prioritize earning money through private practice over engaging in research, which she believes is crucial for advancing medical science in the country.

During a program organized by the Science and Technology Ministry at the Prime Minister's Office, Sheikh Hasina distributed grants and fellowships to teachers, scientists, researchers, and students from various universities. She urged doctors directly to shift their focus towards research and away from purely profit-driven practices.

Highlighting the significance of research for the nation's health and development, Sheikh Hasina stressed that a healthy and prosperous population depends on advancements in medical science. She announced special stimulus packages to incentivize healthcare professionals to engage in research activities.

Referring to the success of research in the agricultural sector, which led to self-sufficiency in food production, the Prime Minister emphasized the transformative power of research in driving development. She underscored the government's commitment to removing obstacles to research and ensuring that public funds are utilized for the welfare of the people.

Regarding the construction of a second nuclear power plant, Sheikh Hasina explained that while efforts were made to build one in the southern region, soil conditions proved unsuitable. However, she announced plans to initiate the construction of a second plant in Rooppur after completing the existing one.

Science and Technology Minister Architect Yeafesh Osman, Chairman of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Science and Technology Ministry Zahed Maleque, and Science and Technology Secretary Md. Ali Hossain also addressed the gathering, echoing the Prime Minister's call for prioritizing research in the medical field.