Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina issued a rallying call for unity against threats to Bangladesh's independence, sovereignty, and economic progress, urging concerted efforts to propel the nation forward on the eve of the 54th Independence and National Day 2024.

In a televised address to the nation, Prime Minister Hasina emphasized the transformative strides made by Bangladesh over the past 15 years, evolving into a "Rising Economy" with significant advancements in various sectors such as agriculture, health, education, and industry. She highlighted Bangladesh's ascent to the 35th largest economy globally, attributing this achievement to timely measures undertaken by the Awami League government.

Acknowledging the challenges posed by both natural disasters and external factors like the Covid-19 pandemic and geopolitical conflicts, Prime Minister Hasina underscored the government's efforts to mitigate the impact on the economy and ensure stability. She outlined initiatives to address inflationary pressures, including stockpiling essential goods and providing subsidized items during Ramadan.

Reflecting on past tumultuous events, Prime Minister Hasina condemned acts of violence perpetrated by the BNP-Jamaat alliance, emphasizing the government's resolve to overcome internal and external obstacles to national progress.

Highlighting key infrastructure projects such as the Padma Bridge and Dhaka Metrorail, Prime Minister Hasina reaffirmed Bangladesh's commitment to self-reliance and sustainable development. She cautioned against disruptive forces seeking to undermine the country's trajectory, urging vigilance and unity to safeguard national interests.

Emphasizing Bangladesh's foreign policy of "Friendship to all, malice to none," Prime Minister Hasina reiterated the nation's commitment to defending its sovereignty and independence. She underscored the importance of upholding democratic principles and the rule of law, emphasizing the constitutional framework as the bedrock of governance.

Prime Minister Hasina expressed gratitude to the people for their trust in the Awami League government, outlining a vision to transform Bangladesh into a developed, prosperous nation by 2041. She reaffirmed the commitment to realizing the aspirations of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman for a poverty-free, non-communal "Sonar Bangladesh."

In closing, Prime Minister Hasina called for unity and resilience in the face of challenges, urging all citizens to contribute to Bangladesh's journey towards sustained progress and prosperity.