On Sunday, at least 2,000 students from Dhaka University (DU) protested against the High Court's decision to reinstate the quota system in government jobs. The procession, which began at 11 am from the front gate of the Central Library and concluded at the Raju Sculpture on the DU campus, featured students marching and chanting slogans demanding the abolition of the quota system.
Fahim, an English department student, expressed his frustration, stating, "The decision to reintroduce the quota system in government jobs has destroyed the hopes and dreams of students who aspire to advance the country with their talent." He called for continuous protests until their demands are met.
Tamanna Akter, a student of French at the Institute of Modern Languages, called for a fair process that offers equal opportunity to all job seekers. "Though I am a woman, I do not want a female quota because the quota system does not support meritocracy," she said.
Rifat Rashid, another student, emphasized the constitutional guarantee of equal rights, arguing that the High Court's decision contradicts these principles. "The students of this country will never agree to such a discriminatory decision," he stated, advocating for the reinstatement of the 2018 decision, which had abolished the quota system.
Another protester argued that the quota system contradicts the spirit of the Liberation War and would benefit the less deserving.
Mahin Sarkar, the rally's anchor, issued an ultimatum, demanding that the decision be reversed by June 30. He warned that the movement would spread from campuses to the streets if their demand is not met.
At the rally's conclusion, a student delegation submitted a memorandum to the Attorney General, urging the retraction of the High Court's decision and the reinstatement of the 2018 policy.
Similar protests were held at Chittagong University (CU), Rajshahi University (RU), Jahangirnagar University (JU), and Jagannath University (JnU), indicating widespread dissatisfaction with the High Court's decision among the student community across Bangladesh.