St. Martin June 16,(V7N)- Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) Director General Major General Mohammed Ashrafuzzaman Siddiqui visited the south-eastern border of the country including St. Martin Island to monitor the Bangladesh-Myanmar border situation.
Meanwhile, he ordered the BGB members to be always active to deal with any situation arising on the border of Myanmar.
Public relations officer (PRO)  BGB headquarters on Sunday, June 16. Md Shariful Islam (PBGMS) informed the matter.
He said that recently, clashes between the Myanmar Army and the armed rebel group Arakan Army ( AA) have been observed in the Maungdaw region bordering the Arakan State of Myanmar.
BGB Director General Teknaf visited St. Martin Island BOP under Teknaf Battalion 2-BGB, observed the defense system of BOP and visited various structures under construction in St. Martin Island to monitor the border situation arising as Bangladesh's Teknaf and St. Martin Island border is located opposite Myanmar's Maungdaw border.
During the visit BGB Director General along with senior officials of BGB Headquarters, Cox's Bazar Region Commander, Ramu Sector Commander and other officers of BGB were present.