To ensure that Bangladesh's coastline border is not negatively impacted by the internal unrest of its neighbors, the Coast Guard of Bangladesh is always on high alert. The persistent fighting and gunfire between the Arakan Army and Myanmar's Janta government has recently made the people living along Bangladesh's border anxious.

The Bangladesh Coast Guard can effectively stop the entrance of Rohingya through many means, such as human trafficking, smuggling, and illicit drug infiltration by taking advantage of Myanmar's internal turmoil. Because of this, the Bangladesh Coast Guard regularly patrols the seas by day and night from Teknaf to Shahpari island, deploying patrol ships that are always on duty.

Additionally, Teknaf, Shahpari dwip, Baharchhara, and Saint Martin are receiving extra people to monitor the situation around-the-clock. The people of Bangladesh may always rely on the Bangladesh Coast Guard to protect their lives and property from unforeseen circumstances.
The information was validated by Lt. Commander Lutful Lahil Majid.


Bangladesh Coast Guard has strengthened patrols and surveillance to prevent Rohingya infiltration at Teknaf border amid the ongoing conflict in Myanmar