"The administration has taken and executed development plans and forward-thinking and constructive actions over the previous 15 years, which has allowed us to succeed in every field."

Sheikh Hasina, the Prime Minister and Speaker of the House, vowed on Wednesday to carry on her government's development agenda during the next five years in front of the legislature.

"The administration has taken and executed development plans and forward-thinking and constructive actions over the previous 15 years, which has allowed us to succeed in every field. "The Awami League government is committed to advancing development over the next five years," the statement read.

She made this statement during the scheduled question-and-answer period while she was responding to a query from the governing AL legislator from the Sirajganj-6 seat, Chayan Islam, on the government's development agenda for the present term of office.

For granting her party another chance to govern the state for the next five years, the prime minister congratulated the electorate.

"We aim to make the development that occurred during the 20 years of Awami League rule sustainable. Through a vote, the people handed the Awami League government a mandate, she remarked, giving them an opportunity.
According to Sheikh Hasina, her administration has undertaken several long-term development initiatives during the previous 15 years, from 2009 to 2024.
"Bangladesh has got the acknowledgment as a model country for development for taking and implementing the projects," she stated.According to the prime minister, the current administration has been assiduously pursuing the realization of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations (UN) in addition to guaranteeing the economic advancement of the whole populace.
She mentioned the Vision 2021 and stated that her administration has carried out the first perspective plan 2010–2021, which had the goal of making Bangladesh a middle-income nation with a focus on information and technology by 2021.
She stated that Bangladesh has carried out its fifth and sixth five-year plans throughout the first perspective plan era.
She gave as her explanation Bangladesh's July 1, 2015, upgrading from lower income country to lower middle income country.

Bangladesh has achieved on an average 7.13 percent growth during the period of the 7th five-year plan, she said.
The present government has been working to ensure food security, improved water resources management and suitable development after facing the impact of the climate change, she added.

The AL government has formulated a 100-year mega plan, Bangladesh Delta Plan-2100, taking into consideration agriculture, fisheries, industries, forestation, public health and environment, she said.

"The Delta Plan-2100 will be considered as a milestone measure in the country's development programmes," she added.

The Prime Minister said implementation of the Delta Plan has already been started.

The main of the Delta Plan is to build a climate resilient prosperous Delta, she said.

Sheikh Hasina said the present government has been working to implement the Vision 2041 to materialise the dream of the Father of the Nation and for pursuing the vision, they have formulated the perspective plan 2021-2041.

The perspective plan has two major targets which are to make Bangladesh a developed country by 2041 with per capita income of over 12500 US dollars and a Golden Bangladesh where the poverty will be as a matter of long past, she added.

"Bangladesh will be a developed and prosperous Bangladesh free from poverty by 2041," she said.

The Prime Minister said Bangladesh is currently implementing the 8th five-year plan and its main motto is "Development will take place with leaving behind none, but taking all," she said.

After taking floor prior to answering the questions, Sheikh Hasina said there were so many obstacles and conspiracies to foil the 12th Parliamentary election that took place on January 7.

"I express my gratitude to the people of Bangladesh, the voters of this country as they went to the polling stations ignoring all the conspiracies and exercised their voting rights."

The countrymen have allowed the Awami League to serve the country through giving mandate, she said.

She thanked the Election Commission, law enforcing agencies, armed forces, civil administration and people of Bangladesh for conducting such a free, fair and impartial elections.

She also expressed gratitude to the people of her constituency Kotalipara-Tungipara of Gopalganj for working for her win in the last general election.

Replying to a question of ruling party lawmaker elected from Bhola-2 Ali Azam, the Prime Minister said that there is strong support and unwavering confidence of the people of the country in the progress of the government.

"No evil force can block the way of this democratic process of development of Bangladesh," she said.

The leader of the House said that the government has upheld the dignity of the country's constitution, democracy and democratic institutions taking people of the country with them.

"It will be maintained the future too, InshaAllah."

Replying to another question from treasury bench lawmaker from Madaripur-2 Shajahan Khan, Sheikh Hasina said some 1,241 people were sentenced in 1,967 cases in connection with BNP-Jamaat's subversive activities between 2012 and 2015.

Shajahan Khan wanted to know what measures have been taken against those involved in the subversive activities of BNP-Jamaat in the name of the so-called democratic movement from 2012 to 2015 and from October 28, 2023 to January 7, 2024.

In reply, the Prime Minister said a total of 188 people died while 4,973 others were injured during BNP-Jamaat's so-called democratic movement between 2012 and 2015 and from October 28, 2023 to January 7, 2024.

Sheikh Hasina, also the leader of the House, said BNP and its allies have indulged in the evil game of arson-terrorism, killing innocent people and members of the law enforcement agencies through irrational movement in the name of resisting the elections.

In response to a query by AL MP Md Abdullah elected from Laxmipur-4, the Prime Minister said that in recent times, BNP-Jamaat and their allies tried to disrupt the 12th national elections by destabilizing the country in the name of arson attacks, hartals and blockades.

"They caused huge damage to people's lives and properties by setting fire to trains and killing innocent people, uprooting train lines and damaging fish plates, vandalizing various public and private buildings and vehicles, including the Chief Justice's residence and Rajarbagh Central Police Hospital."

She said that from October 28, 2023, over 600 vehicles were vandalized across the country through violent activities.

In addition, 328 vehicles—48 trucks, 28 covered vans, 3 CNGs, 4 private automobiles, 11 pickups, 5 trains, 15 motorcycles, 3 lagunas, 1 auto rickshaw, 1 high school, 12 primary schools, 4 residences, 1 Buddhist temple, and 1 boat—were set on fire.

Sheikh Hasina said that during their blockades and hartals, a large number of people—including drivers, attendants, police, BGB employees, laborers, and liberation fighters—were murdered, maimed, or left disabled.

In such occurrences, thirteen persons lost their lives. Nine of them died as a result of train sabotage."

Mentioning that the country has efficient law enforcement agencies, judicial system and existing laws to identify and punish those involved in crimes like arson, vandalism, subversive activities, the Prime Minister said measures are in line with the existing law is going on to take proper measures against those involved in subversive activities.
