Dhaka, Sep 12 (V7N)- The chief adviser of the interim government, Muhammad Yunus, has called on the business community to embrace social business as a means of contributing to societal welfare without the aim of making a profit. Speaking at a meeting with business leaders at the Intercontinental Hotel in Dhaka on Thursday, Dr. Yunus outlined the concept of social business as a self-sustaining model where investments can be withdrawn once the business becomes viable but no profit is taken.

"Social business can tackle a wide range of issues, from the environment to education, or even the supply of clean water and medical services," Yunus said, urging businesses to invest in ventures that address social problems. He suggested that funds be established specifically to support social business, from which willing individuals could invest in impactful projects.

During the exchange of views, Yunus also addressed the importance of Bangladesh's garment industry, the second-largest garment exporter in the world. He praised the industry's progress but stressed that the relationship between workers and employers must improve to ensure continued success. "If this relationship does not improve, it will be difficult to move forward," he warned, also encouraging the business community to sign the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention to protect workers' rights.

Yunus underscored the urgency of the moment, stating, "This opportunity does not come again and again in the life of a nation. We must not lose it." He called on the business sector to work in tandem with the government to build a stronger, healthier Bangladesh, noting that reforms should be a collaborative effort involving everyone from their respective positions.

The session highlighted the potential for social business to contribute to the nation's development while fostering a collaborative and responsible business environment.