Feni, Sep 08 (v7N) -

The century’s worst flood has pushed Feni's business sector into financial disarray, with businesses across the district facing losses totaling approximately Tk 550 crore. Small businesses and industrial enterprises in six sub-districts, including the district town, have been severely impacted. The district center experienced the most devastation, while Daganbhuiyan was relatively less affected.

Data provided by shop owners, entrepreneurs, and business leaders reveal that Feni’s largest wholesale market, Baro Bazar, suffered the greatest damage. Losses in the town have exceeded Tk 300 crore, while the industrial sector has incurred damages of Tk 200 crore. Additionally, businesses in five sub-districts experienced losses amounting to Tk 50 crore, and the printing and paper industry reported damages of Tk 4 crore. According to Mushfiqur Rahman Pipul, Director of the Feni Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the aftermath of the flood will continue to affect Baro Bazar’s businesses for a long time, with the financial strain now worsened by loan obligations.

Business Losses in Feni Town Exceed Tk 300 Crore

In the municipal area of Feni, it has been estimated that around 20,000 shops, warehouses, and infrastructures were damaged by the flood, resulting in a financial loss of approximately Tk 300 crore. Baro Bazar, considered the heart of Feni’s business sector, was the hardest hit. Traders reported that rice, lentils, sugar, spices, and other essential goods suffered significant damage. Takiya Road and Islampur Road, where most of the rice wholesalers are located, were submerged under 5 to 7 feet of water, resulting in around 25,000 tons of rice being destroyed, valued at approximately Tk 150 crore.

The sugar market also sustained heavy losses, with wholesalers who deal in flour, wheat, onions, garlic, ginger, and other products reporting combined losses exceeding Tk 100 crore. Traders indicated that 13 wholesalers control the potato, onion, and ginger markets in Feni, with approximately 150 tons of potatoes, 120 tons of onions, 70 tons of garlic, and 25 tons of ginger being spoiled due to the flooding.

Significant Damage to Industrial Sector

Industries in Feni have faced massive damage from the flood, with losses estimated at Tk 200 crore. Factories in the Feni BSCIC industrial area and the Nizkunjra area of Chhagalnaiya were particularly affected, with damages in these areas amounting to Tk 25 crore. Additionally, brick kilns across the district suffered losses exceeding Tk 50 crore. The flood washed away fired bricks and the soil used for brick production, while machinery and equipment also sustained severe damage.

Losses in Five Sub-Districts Reach Tk 50 Crore

Among Feni’s five sub-districts, Fulgazi was the most affected, with traders estimating losses exceeding Tk 17 crore. The Munshirhat Market Committee reported that approximately 700 shops in the market experienced losses of Tk 4 crore. Other areas, including GMhat and Kalirhat markets, also faced significant damages.

Businesses in Sonagazi and Daganbhuiyan reported losses of around Tk 1 crore and Tk 50 lakh, respectively. Meanwhile, over 2,000 small businesses in Chhagalnaiya were affected, with losses estimated at Tk 15 crore across the sub-district.

Printing and Paper Industry Suffers Tk 4 Crore Loss

The flood has also inflicted heavy damage on Feni’s printing and paper industries, with losses totaling Tk 4 crore. Printing-related businesses suffered losses of Tk 2 crore, particularly in the eastern part of Trunk Road and the inner market areas. Paper traders also reported significant damage, with around Tk 2 crore worth of paper being destroyed.

Minhaz Uddin, owner of Kutumia & Sons, reported that paper worth Tk 6 million stored in his warehouse was ruined, while Golam Haider Majumder Jhantu, owner of City Press, reported similar losses. Other business owners echoed the sentiment that recovering from such devastation would be extremely challenging.