Dhaka, Sep 12 (V7N): Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) has launched a drive to remove battery-powered rickshaws from the city's roads, starting from this morning. The operation targeted several key areas, including Dhanmondi-32, Panthapath, Russel Square, ECB Chattar, and Mirpur.
DMP's Ramna Traffic Division Sergeant Mohammad Farhad confirmed that the removal effort was initiated as battery-operated rickshaws were causing severe traffic congestion, despite a ban on their use on main roads.
"We are initially requesting rickshaw operators to avoid the main roads. If they fail to comply, we will seize the vehicles," Farhad stated.
Residents of Dhaka have expressed support for the police action. Tahmina Trisha, a resident of Dhanmondi, said that removing these rickshaws from the main roads was necessary, adding, "We thank the police for finally addressing the issue."