The direction from the Bangladesh Prime Minister, "Not an inch of land shall remain uncultivated," is being adhered to.

The natural equilibrium is starting to be disrupted by unauthorized, unplanned dams and malfunctioning sluice gates.

The ecology has worsened due to the dominants building illegitimate dams and sluice gates and not excavating the canals.

In opposition to the unoccupied invasion of the Canal, Dam, and River, the locals of Mothbaria are forming a human chain.

To safeguard the agricultural development of Mathbaria Upazila in the coastal southern region of Sagar Kol Ghesha, as well as settlements, hut bazaars, and agriculture, the government built sluice gates at the mouths of small branches of rivers and large canals to prevent flooding.

The building of this sluice gate has given the rural population several benefits, such as the growth of agriculture in this township by reducing floods caused by tidal water in the river canals and supplying water during the dry season.

Waste and hyacinth in stagnant water are damaging the environment and spreading diseases since the water flow in rivers and canals has stopped.

Due to sand buildup inside the gate and decreased navigability, the sluice gate must be closed whenever the required amount of the muddy tide of the river channel increases. Because of the trash that people have been throwing, the water flow has halted. This time, some people settled along the canals' banks, planted trees, and erected buildings; as a result, two-thirds of the canals have been filled.

Vide: Catastrophe in fisheries of Mathbaria: Illegal dams & sluice gates are to blame?

In certain locations, serious waterlogging has happened due to the lack of tidal water circulation. In other locations, a severe water crisis has impacted home chores, fisheries, cattle feed, native fruits, and agricultural output, resulting in public misery. It is now crucial to dig canals and remove unlawful dams to preserve regular water flow.

Waste and hyacinth in stagnant water are damaging the environment and spreading diseases since the water flow in rivers and canals has stopped.

It has been noted that the majority of the sluicegates have been damaged since the authorities have not maintained them and have not made any attempts to make them better.

The powerful people in the area are erecting structures with permanent dams to do commerce along the many branches of the main canal.

The natural environment has been destroyed as a result of the thousands of trees of different species that have been felled during road expansion and embankment building in coastal areas.

It has been noted that the majority of the sluicegates have been damaged since the authorities have not maintained them and have not made any attempts to make them better.

The maintenance of the natural environment's balance has been compromised by the thousands of trees of various kinds that have been destroyed during road expansion and embankment building in coastal areas.

Environmentalists have issued a warning, stating that additional environmental disasters would occur if the amount of trees being felled is not replaced.

To prevent flooding of cultivated land and villages, embankments are built with a layer of sand on top of them. However, in the case of floods, this layer will collapse quickly and do more harm than good.

For the ease of veku traffic, dams have been built at the mouth of minor canals during the construction of embankments. The building of this dam has halted the flow of water. The places known as fish grazing grounds are now empty of fish because different types of fish raised with the tidal water of the river canal cannot access the Renupona dam.

These dams on several canals cause extreme flooding during the monsoon season and a scarcity of water during the dry season. Hundreds of acres of vegetable and three-crop paddy land remain uncultivated year after year.

The government is losing hundreds of crores of agricultural resources, and hundreds of farmers and fishermen are unemployed, turning to other professions, and others are fleeing to the city.

The locals people have a single demand: free the air pollution, rivers, canals, and dams; preserve the environment; give the good health.

No solution has been found, even though news about the movement and fight of the aware people over the environmental calamity and public suffering in Mathbaria has been publicized in numerous media regularly.

The direction from the Bangladesh Prime Minister, "Not an inch of land shall remain uncultivated," is being adhered to.

Due to many unlawful structures on both banks of the two-kilometer-long, publicly significant canals that run through Mathbaria Municipality, home to millions of people, the miseries of the public have also surpassed those caused by natural disasters.

The municipal city's South Port sluicegate is insufficient to handle the water flow, which has intensified city residents' suffering from the water issue.

A fish-free area known as the "Dogna" and "Bhuta" canals in Badura village, Mathbaria, have been left without fish for the past twelve years due to the numerous dams built by powerful individuals in the "Dogna" and "Bhuta" canals, which connect two rivers, Bishkhali and Baleshwar.

Hundreds of fishermen and farmers are unemployed. Because of this dam, during the monsoon season, the pressure of tidal water from the Bishkhali River causes the Mirukhali-Safa road to constantly break.

A local farmer in Badura village claimed that despite his complaints to the relevant authorities, including the honorable Prime Minister, about the demolition of the illegal dam, no answer has been received for unspecified reasons.

Framer said, that has complained about the unlawful dam's removal to the appropriate authorities, including the honorable Prime Minister, but has not gotten a response for unclear reasons.

The water flow has halted in the Patakata to Baheratala canal, Baraharji to Mathbaria canal, and Mathbaria to Gulishakhali canal due to filling. Nusair Hossain, the Executive Engineer of the Water Development Board Pirojpur, stated that this is due to the ineffective sluice gate in the southern region.

Which authority has received the forward? The agricultural officer of Mathbaria, Md. Moniruzzaman told the voice7 news, "We have notified the appropriate authorities to take action in this matter."

According to Mathbaria Assistant Commissioner (Land), Saikat Raihan, the administration is still in the process of evicting people illegally. This is a continuous state employee obligation.
