Environment, Forest, and Climate Change Minister Saber Hossain Chowdhury has called upon nations worldwide to urgently and decisively act towards achieving a net-zero emission target before 2050 and capping temperature rise at 1.5 degrees Celsius.

During his national statement at the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA6) in Nairobi, Kenya, on Thursday evening, Minister Saber Hossain emphasized the critical need for global solidarity in addressing the unprecedented environmental challenges facing humanity.

Despite Bangladesh's minimal contribution to climate change, the country remains disproportionately impacted, confronting challenges such as glacial melt, flooding, and sea-level rise, Saber Hossain highlighted.

He stressed the importance of addressing the root causes of climate change and emphasized the necessity for greater multilateral commitment to achieving sustainable development goals.

Highlighting Bangladesh's commitment to environmental stewardship, Minister Saber Hossain mentioned the unanimous motion by the Bangladesh Parliament in 2019 declaring a Planetary Emergency. Under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Bangladesh has launched the Mujib Climate Prosperity Plan aimed at enhancing climate resilience and promoting sustainable development.

Saber Hossain emphasized the integration of environmental protection principles into Bangladesh's constitution, showcasing the country's dedication to combating climate change.

Regarding plastic pollution, the Minister acknowledged its threat to the environment and public health, stressing the need for concerted efforts at both national and international levels to combat plastic waste and transition to sustainable consumption and production patterns.

Minister Saber Hossain reaffirmed Bangladesh's commitment to global environmental governance, expressing hope that UNEA6 would propel the international community towards a greener and more resilient future.