Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh, has been ranked 4th on the global list of cities with the worst air quality, recording an Air Quality Index (AQI) score of 158 at 9:05 am today. The air quality in Dhaka was classified as 'unhealthy', according to the AQI, which measures the level of pollutants present in the air. When the AQI value falls between 150 and 200, the air quality is considered 'unhealthy', posing risks to residents' health.
The AQI provides valuable insights into the cleanliness or pollution levels of a city's air and helps people understand the associated health risks. In Bangladesh, the AQI is based on five pollutants, including particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5), NO2, CO, SO2, and ozone. Dhaka has long grappled with air pollution issues, particularly worsening during the winter months and improving slightly during the monsoon season.
The severity of air pollution extends beyond Dhaka, with cities like India's Delhi, Pakistan's Lahore, and Indonesia's Jakarta occupying the top three spots on the list with higher AQI scores. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), air pollution contributes to approximately seven million deaths worldwide each year, primarily due to increased mortality from various respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.