"Dhaka is now ranked fourth in the world for worst pollution conditions due to the awful state of the city's air quality"

Monday, January 29, morning, as of 9 am, Dhaka secured the fourth position globally for the poorest air quality, registering an Air Quality Index (AQI) score of 196. The air quality in Dhaka was categorized as 'unhealthy' based on the AQI. Accra in Ghana, Kolkata, and Delhi were topping the list, with AQI scores of 291, 245, and 222, respectively.

The AQI scale identifies any value above 200 as falling into the "very unhealthy" category, signaling a substantial risk of shortness of breath, shortness of breath, and shortness of breath.

Due to the city's inferior air quality, air pollution is a persistent issue in Dhaka, especially during the winter when harsh weather worsens. But during the monsoon season, there might be small reprieves.

The World Health Organization (WHO) paints a grim picture, with nearly 70 million worldwide suffering from air pollution-related diseases yearly. This figure is based on the urgency of addressing Dhaka's air quality crisis.
