Ukhiya, June 30 (V7N)- A shootout between two terrorist groups occurred in the Rohingya camp in Ukhiya over dominance. As a result, an ordinary Rohingya was injured. The incident took place on Saturday (June 29) around noon in Block E-2 of the No. 4 Rohingya camp.
The injured Rohingya is Kamal Hossain (27), son of the late Mokbul Ahmed from Block B-5 of the No. 3 Rohingya camp.
Sources reported that an unidentified terrorist group gathered in Block G-9 of the No. 4 Rohingya camp and started firing blank shots. In response, another group from Block B-5 of the No. 5 Rohingya camp started shooting towards Camp-4. During the crossfire, a bullet struck Kamal Hossain in the lower waist while he was at Mosra Market in Block E-2 of Camp-4 to sell chickens.
He was rescued in an injured state and taken to the GK Hospital in Camp-3. He is currently receiving treatment there.
The Officer-in-Charge (OC) of Ukhiya Police Station, Shamim Hossain, confirmed the incident.