Rajshahi, Sept 29 V7N -The rising waters of the Padma River have submerged the Chaumadia, Lakshinagar, and Diyarkadipur chars (river islands) in Bagha upazila of Rajshahi, leaving thousands of char dwellers in nine other areas, including Kalidashkhali, Nichpalashi, and Kanchpurchar, waterlogged. The situation is particularly dire for the pastoralists, who have had to tie their cattle in flooded areas due to a lack of higher ground. Crops like onions, kalai, sugarcane, and tomatoes in these low-lying areas have also been heavily affected, with many farmers attempting to harvest early but facing spoilage.

Bagha upazila has around 6,030 hectares of land, 5,560 hectares of which are arable. However, the floodwaters have damaged many crops, leaving farmers like Ismail Hossain and Kitar Uddin struggling to salvage their produce. Despite efforts to build aisles to prevent water from entering their fields, rising water levels have rendered many of these attempts futile.

The char dwellers, most of whom are landless laborers, rely on farming in the dry season and fishing during the monsoon. They have little protection from natural disasters, as the area lacks infrastructure like dams to protect crops, livestock, and homes. Flooding has displaced thousands of families, destroyed homes, and left many without basic necessities.

Bagha Upazila Agriculture Officer Safiullah Sultan confirmed that onion and other crops in low-lying areas have been severely damaged. The Upazila Executive Officer, Tariqul Islam, stated that the situation has been reported to the District Commissioner, and any aid that comes will be distributed to the affected families.