Joypurhat, July 15 (V7N)- In response to the derogatory remarks and threats made against freedom fighters and their families under the guise of the current anti-quota movement, the Freedom Fighters Parliament and Freedom Fighters' Children Command organized a protest march and sit-in program in Joypurhat.
On Monday, July 15, at noon, a protest march started from the Joypurhat District Freedom Fighters Commander Office, traversing the main streets of the city and concluding at the central Shaheed Minar Abul Kashem Maidan. Following the march, a sit-in program and discussion session were held.
Speakers at the protest, including former district freedom fighter commander Amjad Hossain, Upazila Vice Chairman Asma Begum, District Freedom Fighters' Children Command Unit President Sajjadul Islam Moyna, District Chhatra League President Jakaria Hossain Raja, and freedom fighters Nirendranath and Anwar Hossain, condemned the actions of a group exploiting the anti-quota movement to insult freedom fighters and their families, as well as disrespect the national flag. They warned that if these activities do not cease, the freedom fighters' families will be compelled to launch a larger movement on the streets.