Dhaka, August 25 — Today marks seven years since the mass exodus of Rohingya refugees into Bangladesh. On August 25, 2017, fearing for their lives, the Rohingya fled Myanmar and sought refuge in various camps across Teknaf and Cox's Bazar. Despite the passage of seven long years, efforts for their repatriation to Myanmar have yet to yield any results.

The Rohingya have sought refuge in Bangladesh multiple times before the 2017 influx. According to the Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commission, there are currently over 1.3 million Rohingya living in camps in Cox's Bazar and on Bhasan Char island. More than half of these refugees arrived in Bangladesh during the 2017 crisis.

To commemorate this day, Rohingya leaders have organized various programs, including protests within the camps in Cox's Bazar. These events are aimed at highlighting their plight and renewing their call for a safe return to their homeland.