Tangail,  Sep 09 (V7N) - Abul Kalam Azad, the principal of Anuhla High School in the Hugra Union of Tangail Sadar Upazila, has been accused of corruption and embezzlement. On August 28, local residents filed a complaint with the Upazila Executive Officer of Tangail Sadar.
The complaint alleges that while the school maintained a good reputation under previous management, corruption began after Azad took over as principal. He is accused of securing his position through a bribe of Tk 1.5 million. The complaint further alleges that Azad has embezzled large sums of money through fraudulent recruitment practices, with assistance from the former president of the school’s management committee.
According to the complaint, in recent years, the school has seen significant payments for various positions: Tk 1.2 million for an office assistant, Tk 1.2 million for two peons, Tk 500,000 for a night guard, Tk 300,000 for a maid, and Tk 1.5 million for a lab assistant.
Over the past eight years, the school has collected Tk 35 million from session fees, examination fees, and salaries. Of this amount, 40% is supposed to be deposited into the general fund, but the complaint alleges that the remaining funds have been misappropriated by Azad with the aid of the former management committee president using fake vouchers. The principal is also accused of withdrawing money from the general fund without proper authorization and failing to distribute government stipends correctly. Additionally, tuition fees, fines, and certificate fees have not been properly deposited into the general fund.
Azad is also accused of embezzling Tk 300,000 from a construction project for a boundary wall at the school. Furthermore, he reportedly does not regularly attend the school and has failed to manage the teachers effectively, leading to a decline in educational quality. The local community is calling for his removal to improve the school’s standards.
Assistant Education Officer Moniruzzaman Mia mentioned that similar issues are being investigated throughout the district, and legal action will be taken if evidence of misconduct is found.
Efforts to contact Principal Abul Kalam Azad for a response were unsuccessful.