Barguna, Sep 15 (V7N) - In Barguna , recent tensions have prompted a call to restore peace, as the district has traditionally been known for its tranquility. There is growing concern over the involvement of various new coordinators in the anti-discrimination student movement, with some suggesting that removing the coordinator role might help return stability to the region.
Md. Rezaul, a coordinator of the anti-discrimination student movement, criticized Niloy, claiming he was never a coordinator but an active member of the Chhatra League. Rezaul highlighted that Niloy’s close connections with the Chhatra League were well-documented on social media, leading to public backlash. Rezaul accused Niloy of using the coordinator role to evade accountability and implement a fascist agenda, alleging that Niloy's group attacked him and injured four students on August 4.
Abdul Hannan Masud, central coordinator of the anti-discrimination student movement, addressed the issue by stating that many leaders from various locations are now claiming the coordinator title. He clarified that the central committee has not appointed any local coordinators and that they will consult with genuine participants and all relevant groups to establish a new committee to prevent further disorder.
Additional Superintendent of Police Mohammad Abdul Halim (Sadar Circle) reported that the central committee is engaging with local students to address the dissent and restore calm. Efforts are being made to mediate between conflicting groups to ensure a peaceful environment.
Upazila Executive Officer Md. Shamim Mia acknowledged the presence of multiple groups and some outsiders attempting to interfere. He emphasized that their role is not to judge who is right but to ensure the safety of the central committee members. They are facilitating meetings with local groups to ensure the program concludes peacefully.