Online, Jan 27, (V7N) - Skai Jackson, the former Disney Channel star, has welcomed her first child. The 22-year-old actress confirmed the news on Sunday through an Instagram post, which showed her holding her newborn. The baby wore a green-and-black plaid onesie with matching socks, although the post did not specify the child's gender. Jackson's caption suggested that the baby's name is Kasai.

Instagram: Skai Jackson Welcomes First Child

In November, Jackson had previously revealed to People magazine that she was expecting a child with her boyfriend, who has not been publicly identified. At the time, she expressed her excitement, saying, "I'm thrilled to begin this new chapter in my life − embracing motherhood and diving into new acting projects. My heart is so full!"

Jackson is best known for her role as Zuri Ross on the Disney Channel series Jessie, which aired from 2011 to 2015. She also appeared in the spinoff series Bunk'd and made guest appearances on other Disney Channel shows like Austin & Ally, Good Luck Charlie, and K.C. Undercover. In 2020, Jackson participated in the 29th season of Dancing With the Stars and most recently starred in the thriller The Man in the White Van.

Before giving birth, Jackson shared a TikTok video where she showed the process of packing her hospital bag in preparation for her delivery. "It's big and filled up, and I'll see you guys when I have my baby," she said in the clip.

On Sunday, Jackson received an outpouring of love and support from fans and fellow celebrities. Actress Keke Palmer, also a former child star, shared a series of heart-eye emojis in response to Jackson's post.

Jackson made headlines last August when she was arrested on suspicion of domestic battery following an altercation with her boyfriend. The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department stated that the investigation determined Jackson was the primary aggressor. However, no injuries were reported, and Jackson was not charged. A representative later clarified that the situation was a misunderstanding, and Jackson was relieved that no charges were filed.