After a wave of anticipation, Shakib Khan's latest film 'Toofan,' directed by Raihan Rafi, has failed to sustain its initial success. Despite strong interest at the start, viewership for 'Toofan' has sharply declined, particularly in single-screen theaters, causing disappointment among theater owners.

According to various theater owners, while the film performed well in its opening week, audience turnout has dropped significantly in the second week. Iftekhar Uddin Naushad, the managing director of Madhumita Cinema Hall in Dhaka, remarked, "The movie did well in the first week. But today, in the second week, the audience has decreased. The rush that was there in the beginning is gone. Today's shows don't have that kind of audience."

In a troubling incident, Madhumita Hall experienced vandalism during a screening of 'Toofan' on June 18. Angry individuals, reportedly unable to get tickets, damaged posters, chairs, and door glass. Naushad claimed the attack was intentional and mentioned a loss of about 7 lakh taka. He also highlighted the widespread issue of ticket black marketing, asserting efforts to prevent it and lodging a police complaint.

Meanwhile, in Barisal's Abhiruchi Cinema Hall, the film drew minimal audiences, with photos of nearly empty halls circulating on social media. Kabir, the hall's manager, noted that only one show went houseful on Eid day, and subsequent shows struggled to attract viewers. He attributed the poor turnout to a flawed story, despite strong action sequences. "There is a little problem in the story. Due to which the viewer is bored, does not want to watch. Moreover, if there is no female audience, the movie does not go well," he explained.

Contrastingly, in Sirajganj's Roots Cineclub, 'Toofan' has been performing well. Chairman Samina Islam Nila reported, "Very good. All our tickets are sold out until next Thursday. The audience is saying that the movie is good. Some have seen it more than once." However, other locations like Gulshan Cineplex in Narayanganj and Manihar Cinema Hall in Jashore reported mixed results, with certain showtimes struggling to attract viewers.

'Toofan' centers on the story of a gangster but has not met audience expectations, especially regarding its narrative coherence. Theater owners and audiences alike suggest that a better storyline might have sustained interest. As theater owners contemplate the film's performance, the industry looks toward future releases to revive the box office.