"We frequently hear gunshots on the border," However, we are essentially in a "safe zone" because to the Naf River on the border. On the other hand, we have requested that border residents remain vigilant: UNO

Gunfire near the Teknaf border in Bangladesh's Cox's Bazar region hasn't made the current internal conflict situation in Myanma any less tense. Gunshots may be heard sometimes on Shahparirdwip's edge.

While the battle across the border gets more intense, attempts to infiltrate continue. Nonetheless, border patrols of the Nafnadi have been maintained by the Coast Guard and BGB.

local living near the Teknaf Shahparirdwip border heard gunfire early on Sunday, February 18. From eight to ten o'clock on Saturday night, local people's in the Teknaf neighborhood of Hoikang Kanjorpara-Kharankkhali heard heavy gunshots.

The Coast Guard's Chattogram East Zone media officer said, "Our patrol has been strengthened in Naf River to prevent infiltration," in this respect. From January 25 to February 17, we resisted more than two hundred Rohingya people. Yesterday, the final three individuals were transported return from Shahparirdwip.

Border dwellers in Teknaf Hoikang area Russell said, "Our border was shelled nonstop for two hours on Saturday night. Bolibazar and the Arakan Army are still engaged in combat just outside of Apar. It is the reason why gunfire may be heard.

In the meantime, firings from Myanmar could be heard from the Shahparirdwip border starting in the morning.

According to Shahparidwip border resident Enam Ullah, "There was no sound of gunfire at night, but from 8:00 a.m. to the house, there was a sound of gunfire coming from the Myanmar border." Such bullets are unheard of in our lifetimes. My 1.5-year-old son woke up weeping from the terrible sound of gunfire. Children find it terrifying to hear gunfire after hearing it for days.

Executive officer of Teknaf Upazila (UNO) Adnan Chowdhury said, "We frequently hear gunshots on the border," However, we are essentially in a "safe zone" because to the Naf River on the border. On the other hand, we have requested that border residents remain vigilant.

Five persons, one of them is a Rohingya lady, arrived at Jetghat on Teknaf Shahpari Island yesterday afternoon, according to border residents, as a result of fighting between the Arakan Army and the military forces in Myanmar's Rakhine province. They were told later that they would be returned.

There is combat in the areas of Kadirbil, Nalbania, Nayapara, Nurulla Para, Bagguna, Pongda, and Patanjah on the other side of the Shahparirdwip border. Thus, the residents of those villages, who were Rohingya, kept trying to sneak into Bangladesh. Along the Naf River, the Shahpari Island border road passes via Bazarpara, Jaliapara, Mistripara, and Golappara. There are around 10,000 residents in these places.

Residing on Shahpari Island Mistripara, Ali Ahmad (50) said, "Our upbringing was in Naf River. Here, too, was where grandfathers lived. Over the Myanmar border, there was also a lot of firing today. Yet compared to previous days, there is a bit less on Sunday.

"The shelling has not stopped on the Myanmar border yet," stated Abdus Salam, a UP member from Teknaf Shahpari Island Ward No. 9. Five Rohingyas came into Bangladeshi seas from Myanmar yesterday, one of them a wounded woman.
