Bangladeshis who reside along the banks of the Naf River are terrified as a result. Ayesha Akhter, a local housewife, stated, "There is a tremendous boom coming from Teknaf, although the event is on the east bank of the Naf River in Myanmar.

It was a reasonably peaceful on Sunday, February 18, across the Myanmar border that runs through the eastern and southern sections of Cox's Bazar's Teknaf upazila in Bangladesh.

Throughout the day, there were a few loud explosions, but starting at five o'clock on Monday, February 19, there were successive loud booms and gunfire.
However, the sound of gunfire was muffled at many locations along the Palangkhali Union border with Ukhia. In the meanwhile, the Ghumdhum Union liquidated eight of its educational institutions. 365 Rohingya were returned to Myanmar after being deported during a Coast Guard and BGB operation.

Patrols by the BGB and Coast Guard have risen as a result of the turmoil in Myanmar

Though they felt some relief for a day, the residents of Teknaf near the banks of the Naf River were terrified. According to Azam Ullah of Bazarpara and Ali Ahmad of Shahpari Island Jaliapira, "There was no sound all night."

But there was a loud noise when he woke up in the morning. Then there was trembling on the opposite side.
Children experience terror when they wake up, just like adults do.
Bangladeshis who reside along the banks of the Naf River are terrified as a result. Ayesha Akhter, a local housewife, stated, "There is a tremendous boom coming from Teknaf, although the event is on the east bank of the Naf River in Myanmar.

There appears to be an earthquake. The sound of gunfire emanated from all those locations for a few days. Near Maungdur town in Rakhine state, in the Megichong, Kadirbil, Nurullahpara, Mangala, Nalbayinya, Phadongcha, and Hyssurata districts, armed rebel groups are reportedly engaged in combat with the nation's law enforcement agencies.

"For several days, there has been a lot of shelling in the area around Maungdoo city of Rakhine state on that side of Myanmar," stated Abdus Salam, a member of Sabrang Union Parishad (UP) Ward No. 9. In addition, there was a loud trembling near the Teknaf border.

How closely guarded BGB members are to maintain safety in border areas.        Photo By:

Notwithstanding a few sounds that were detected during the day yesterday, the border was essentially quiet. There was no loud noise during the night, no gunfire. However, there has been a lot of trembling along the Teknaf frontier since Mondy morning.

living on Mistripara's Shahpari Island. When a loud noise startled Kashem during the Fajr prayer he said, Loud noises like this might cause harm to people who have cardiac problems.

They have reinforced their patrols at the Naf River border, according to Coast Guard and BGB sources. There is now more regular patrolling. Provisions have been put in place to guard against any unauthorized infiltration in light of this incident.

The unrest in Myanmar has led to an increase in BGB and Coast Guard patrols along the Naf River.             Photo By:

Executive Officer of Teknaf Upazila (UNO). Adnan Chowdhury said that the Teknaf border has been trembling loudly since Monday morning, following a peaceful day. This is an internal issue in Myanmar.
Patrols by the BGB and Coast Guard have risen as a result of the turmoil in Myanmar. It has been requested that residents near the border remain vigilant.
