Mortar shelling is loud again along the Myanmar border Clashes continue in Myanmar's Rakhine State between junta forces and the armed group Arakan Army (AA). Due to the ongoing conflict in Myanmar, there are shootings between the two groups.
On April 6, the locals again heard the loud sound of mortar shells and gunshots on the other side of Myanmar in the Teknaf, Shahpori island and Hnila border areas region of Cox's Bazar Bangladesh.
Md Abdur Rahim, a resident of nhila border area, said Voice7News  that at night I heard the sound of heavy mortar shells on the other side of Myanmar.
Sarwar Kamal A resident of Sabrang area, said  Voice7 News that after a few days, the sounds of gunshots and explosions are being heard at different borders of Sabrang Union. But the current situation is normal.
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