Despite sweltering temperatures, the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) organized a spirited rally in the capital city of Dhaka to commemorate International Workers' Day. The streets of Nayapaltan came alive as BNP leaders and activists marched in solidarity with laborers, advocating for their rights and voicing opposition to perceived government injustices.

The rally officially commenced around 3:30 pm on Wednesday, drawing attention to the challenges faced by democracy-loving individuals in Bangladesh. BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir highlighted the erosion of democratic principles and the alleged suppression of political freedoms under the current administration. He called upon all political parties to unite in a movement aimed at restoring the rights of citizens, emphasizing the need for collective action to achieve their goals.

Mirza Fakhrul also condemned the imprisonment of BNP activists and the incarceration of former Prime Minister Khaleda Zia on what he deemed to be unfounded charges. Undeterred by adversity, he expressed confidence in BNP's resilience and determination to uphold democracy, urging supporters to brace for further sacrifices in pursuit of their cause.

Other BNP leaders echoed similar sentiments, with Mirza Abbas and Abdul Moin Khan emphasizing the imperative of removing the current government to safeguard the rights of the people. They criticized the government's reliance on authoritarian tactics and alleged economic mismanagement, vowing to challenge its authority through street protests and grassroots mobilization.

Abdus Salam, an advisor to the BNP Chairperson, lambasted the government's policies and accused it of prioritizing its own interests over those of the people. He urged citizens to join hands in opposing the ruling party's autocratic rule, calling for unity in the struggle for a fair and just society.

Prior to the main rally, leaders and activists of the BNP-affiliated Sramik Dal and other associated organizations gathered in Nayapaltan to mark the occasion. Despite the scorching heat, their unwavering commitment to workers' rights and social justice was evident as they participated in the May Day rally.

The presence of Sramik Dal representatives from various districts underscored the widespread support for the BNP's labor-focused agenda, signaling a unified front in the fight against perceived government oppression and inequality.

As the rally concluded, BNP leaders reiterated their determination to continue advocating for the rights of workers and citizens alike, emphasizing the importance of sustained activism in challenging authoritarian rule and fostering a more inclusive and equitable society.