BNP senior leader Dr. Abdul Moyeen Khan has sharply criticized the government for spreading false claims about gaining favor with the United States. He questioned the benefit of such fabricated stories, especially after US State Department spokesperson Vedant Patel firmly denied these claims, stating, "Those claims are false. The U.S. is not withdrawing sanctions against the RAB."
Bangladesh Natinolsit Party (BNP) senior leader Dr. Abdul Moyeen Khan has accused the current government of fabricating stories, asserting that it has secured favor with the United States. "The government is feeling insecure, which is why they're creating stories, claiming they're in the good books of the American government. It's not about being in good books here," said Dr. Moyeen Khan on Friday.
After meeting with the family members of jailed BNP leader Abdul Quader Bhuiyan Jewel in Malibagh, Dr. Moyeen Khan spoke to reporters, highlighting US Assistant Secretary of State Donald Lu's recent comments. Lu, while departing Dhaka, reiterated that the United States remains firm on its stance that Bangladesh must restore democracy. "America hasn't shifted its position on democracy in Bangladesh even slightly. Their stance remains unwavering," he emphasized.
Dr. Moyeen Khan, a BNP standing committee member and former minister, pointed out that the US, along with western countries such as the UK, Canada, Australia, the European Union, and even the United Nations, have all expressed concerns that democracy is non-existent in Bangladesh. In this context, he said, the government has fabricated claims that the US is lifting sanctions on the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) and the visa sanctions on Bangladesh.
The BNP leader questioned the benefit of such false stories, especially after US State Department spokesperson Vedant Patel stated, "Those claims are false. The U.S. is not withdrawing sanctions against the RAB."
Dr. Moyeen Khan argued that the government is trying to showcase US support to mask its own lack of confidence and sense of insecurity. "The US government maintains trade and diplomatic relations with Bangladesh, but this doesn't affect America's moral stance on democracy," he added. "America has not recognized the current Bangladeshi government as ruling ethically. They've made it clear that the last parliamentary election was neither fair nor credible."
He criticized the government for ongoing repression, harassment, arrests, and imprisonment of opposition leaders and activists on false charges. "The government has created a scenario through persecution where there's no democracy left in Bangladesh. It's now a one-party rule. MPs have been selected through farcical and staged elections, not by the people's vote," he remarked.
Dr. Moyeen Khan reiterated that the BNP's political mission isn't merely to gain power but to restore the voting and basic rights of the Bangladeshi people. "Currently, women and children have no rights in this country," he stated.
He also lamented the dire state of human rights and the economy in Bangladesh, noting that people are being impoverished, and the wealth gap is widening. "Those favored by the government are getting richer, looting resources, and siphoning money abroad, thus crippling the country's economy," he concluded.