BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Tuesday called for the government to step down, citing extensive corruption that has tainted its legitimacy. Speaking at a discussion, he vowed that the BNP would intensify its efforts to oust the government despite any challenges.

"I've grown weary of discussing this government. Their indifference to criticism is astounding... their sole objective seems to be looting public funds," Fakhrul stated.

The discussion was organized by the Jatiyatabadi Muktijoddha Dal, the BNP's freedom fighters' wing, at Dhaka Reporters’ Unity (DRU) in memory of the 43rd death anniversary of BNP founder and late president Ziaur Rahman.

Highlighting various corruption cases involving ruling party leaders and former officials, Fakhrul said the government's reputation is marred by rampant corruption and theft.

“They are thoroughly corrupted. Regardless of their statements, their existence is essentially void. This is evident everywhere. I believe their time is up. They should stop manoeuvring and allow for a dignified exit so that people can remember them properly,” he said.

He criticized the promotions of former Army Chief Aziz Ahmed and ex-IGP Benazir Ahmed, questioning who enabled their irregularities.

“Who supported Aziz? How did he rise in rank? Now, Benazir Ahmed’s numerous misdeeds and thefts are coming to light,” Fakhrul added.

Fakhrul urged Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to resign, taking responsibility for the corruption among her party members and former officials.

“There are countless such incidents. Corruption surrounds them... their so-called elected representatives in local elections, or the MPs elected in the midnight elections, are deeply involved in corruption. They are all overwhelmed by their ill-gotten wealth.”

He also accused ruling party leaders of investing their illegal earnings in properties abroad, citing a former State Minister for Land who allegedly owns 365 houses in London.

Given the circumstances, Fakhrul called on opposition parties to devise new strategies to protect the country, taking into account the geopolitical situation and the new world order.

He urged all patriotic individuals, political forces, and especially the younger generation, to unite in saving the country from what he described as a destructive regime. “We’ll face annihilation if we fail in our struggle to save the nation.”

Fakhrul acknowledged the dangers faced by opposition leaders and activists in Bangladesh.

“Everything is perilous here. Despite this, we must muster the courage to stand firm. We must realize our rightful demand for a fair election. To achieve this, we must escalate our movement.”