Support for Bangladesh's inclusive growth is strongly reaffirmed: Anna Bjerde.

The World Bank is fully committed to assisting Bangladesh in realizing its goal of becoming an upper-middle-income country by 2031, as stated by Anna Bjerde, Managing Director for Operations at the World Bank.

She emphasized that significant macroeconomic and financial sector changes are urgently required to ensure inclusive growth as she concluded her first visit to Bangladesh on Sunday.

Many nations have found inspiration in Bangladesh's tale of economic growth and progress, according to Bjerde.

She concluded her tour by saying, "Bangladesh will be able to maintain macroeconomic stability, reduce risks associated with the financial sector, and sustain inclusive growth amid global uncertainties through swift and bold reforms in monetary and fiscal policies."

Read More: World Bank Managing Director visit to Bangladesh

When Bjerde visited with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, he praised the nation's progress.

practically all boys and girls attend school these days, and practically all homes have electricity.

She also expressed her gratitude to the Prime Minister for providing refuge to the fleeing Rohingya and promised to help Bangladesh meet their needs as well as the requirements of the host community until they safely and voluntarily return.

According to the international lending organization, the World Bank and the government are debating a funding plan worth more than $650 million for two new projects that would cater to the requirements of the host communities in the Chattogram Division as well as the displaced Rohingya community.

The displaced Rohingya people will get nearly half of the funding, all of which is granted on grant conditions.

"Millions of people have benefited from our long-standing collaboration with Bangladesh, which makes me proud. We will keep helping Bangladesh build resilience to future crises and climate shocks, attract investment, establish a strong private sector, and generate employment while making sure that no one is left behind, Bjerde continued.

She also had meetings with the governor of the Bangladesh Bank, the finance minister, top government officials, representatives of the business community, civil society, and women entrepreneurs to talk about Bangladesh's development goals. Martin Raiser, the Vice President of the World Bank for the South Asia Region, was with her.

The World Bank has provided around $41 billion in grants, interest-free loans, and concessional credits through the International Development Association (IDA) since Bangladesh gained its independence.

Bangladesh now hosts the world's largest continuing IDA program, and its major development partner is the World Bank.
