Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina criticized the anti-quota protesters in government jobs for chanting "Who are you? Who am I? Razakar. Razakar." Describing it as "very regrettable," she remarked, "They don't feel ashamed to call themselves Razakars."

She further noted, "They didn't experience the torture and brutality inflicted by the Pakistani occupation forces and Razakar Bahini. They didn't witness the inhuman treatment and the bodies lying on the roads. That's why they don't feel ashamed to call themselves Razakar."

The Prime Minister made these comments during the signing ceremony of Annual Performance Agreements (APAs) for the 2024-25 fiscal year at her office.

"Our aim is to uphold the spirit of the Liberation War. Millions of martyrs sacrificed their lives, and countless mothers and sisters were violated. We must remember their contributions," she stated.

She also highlighted her government's legal actions against war criminals involved in mass killings, looting, and the formation of Razakar Bahini and Peace Committees. "Many were hanged following trials, providing justice to the oppressed," she added.

The Prime Minister expressed her disappointment upon hearing the slogan from women, noting the severe violations women faced during the Liberation War in 1971.