Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said, on Saturday that the nation's democracy would have been taken away if she had not let members of her party to run as independent candidates in the election held last month.

"The country's democracy would have been taken over, in addition to the election being tainted, had it not been made accessible to all AL members," the PM said.

At her official house, Ganabhaban, the prime minister was giving her introductory statement at the Awami League's extended meeting.

She stated that holding this election was crucial to maintain the nation's standing as a developing nation.

"To maintain this accomplishment, we must remember the electoral manifesto we declared prior to the poll.

Hasina, also the chief of ruling Awami League, said that her party has also opened the upcoming upazila elections for all her party members to make it participatory.

“It will also be scrutinised how much work has been done for the common people in the last 15 years while in power, and who could not deliver. Through it we will see who is accepted by the people,” she said.

She issued warning against any sort of confrontation in the upcoming local government elections.

“We do not want any kind of confrontation. Stern actions will be taken against the individuals responsible for it no matter who they are,” she said.

Claiming that the 12th parliamentary election was free, fair and impartial, Hasina said that those who want to dispute the election they must give clear evidence.

She said that elections have been held in many developed countries of the world, but these are yet to be accepted by their opponents.

“Even the post-election violence has resulted in murders. But the election in Bangladesh was very fair. Public administration, the armed forces, law and order enforcement and all those involved in the election have performed their duties impartially,” she claimed.

Hasina said that there was a big conspiracy against the election to stop the voters from coming to polling  centres and the votes are not hold free.

“I have made this election open to ensure that the election is not called to question. If at least one opponent remains the election would be competitive,  the voters will come, they will vote according to their choice, they will vote for whoever they want, the people will get that right,” she said.

She said that the election could not be questioned for that reason.
She urged everyone to put the competition between the party's nominated candidates and its independents from the election behind them.

"Let's put all of it behind us. Everyone needs to collaborate. Work needs to be done with people's trust and faith in mind. We are here to address any issues that may emerge, and the central committee will take care of them. However, she stated that there shouldn't be any suicidal tension between them.
