Jhalokathi, Jan 14, (V7N) - In a major crackdown on illegal brick kilns, a mobile court in Rajapur Upazila, Jhalokathi, conducted an operation at Seven Star Brickfield in Galua Union. The court ordered the shutdown of the kiln, dismantled its infrastructure, and fined the owner Tk 1 lakh for violating environmental laws.
The Operation
The operation was led by Rajapur Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) Rahul Chandra, who also presided over the mobile court. The kiln was found operating without proper licenses or environmental clearances. Under the Brick Manufacturing and Kiln Installation Act 2013 (amended in 2019), the court cited violations of Sections 4 and 5, which mandate licensing and environmental compliance for brick kiln operations.
The court ordered the immediate shutdown of the kiln. The fire inside the kiln was extinguished, and the structure was dismantled. Bricks that had already been prepared were rendered unusable by spraying them with water, with assistance from the local fire department.
Supporting Teams
The operation was supported by officials from the Department of Environment (DoE) in Barishal and Jhalokathi, firefighters, and personnel from Jhalokathi District Police and Rajapur Police Station.
Legal and Environmental Implications
Speaking about the action, UNO Rahul Chandra said, "No brick kiln can operate without proper licenses or environmental clearances. This operation is part of our ongoing effort to shut down illegal brick kilns that harm the environment. We will continue such actions to ensure compliance with the law."
The court imposed a fine of Tk 1 lakh on the owner of the brick kiln as a penalty for the violations.
Broader Context
This is not an isolated case. Unlicensed brick kilns are a persistent issue in many parts of Bangladesh, contributing to deforestation, air pollution, and soil degradation. Authorities have intensified their efforts to identify and shut down such operations, aiming to mitigate environmental damage and enforce the law.
This operation underscores the government’s commitment to ensuring environmental sustainability and strict enforcement of regulations.
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