Rajshahi June 5, (V7N)- Rajshahi's Char Ghat Upazila has seen threats to three families due to illegal and aggressive pond digging in agricultural land. Despite the unyielding threats, these families are now facing extreme insecurity. They are left without homes, with only a father and son remaining. Meanwhile, due to illegal pond digging, one person has been detained by the police, along with excavator machines, as part of an ongoing campaign against those involved.
The affected parties have reported that yesterday morning (June 4th), under the leadership of Haseebul Hasan Shanto, the general editor of the Chaluya Union Chhatra League, several people visited the house of landowner Lutfa Begum to search for her husband, Abu Kauser Mohammed Shamsuzzaman. However, he was not at home at the time. Due to insecurity, he had already left the house, keeping his whereabouts secret. Even his son, Hasan Al Banna, is away from home. They were threatened by members of the Chhatra League, led by Lutfa Begum, warning them that if they obstruct pond digging or file any complaints, they will be killed. Additionally, the perpetrators used indecent language and intimidation before leaving the scene.
Following a separate written complaint submitted to the Upazila Executive Officer (UNO) and Assistant Commissioner (Land), it has been revealed that three plots of land, totaling four bighas, in Ward No. 6 of the Chaluya Union, Bamnadihi Mouza, belong to three individuals: Musa Lutfar Begum, Md. Intaj Fakir, and Ajal Bakhtiar. With coercion and fear, attempts were made by the sons of Siraj Fakir from Bamnadihi Gram to dig ponds on their land. When the landowners resisted, Siraj's sons, Masem, Hasibul, and Ziaur Rahman, threatened them. Subsequently, Lutfa Begum, Md. Intaj Fakir, and Ajal Bakhtiar separately filed written complaints with the Upazila Executive Officer (UNO) and Assistant Commissioner (Land).
In light of these complaints, a police team from Char Ghat Police Station conducted a raid on Monday night, following which one person was detained for attempting to dig ponds in agricultural land in plots numbered 1233, 1235, and 1236 in Bamnadihi Mouza, Ward No. 6 of the Chaluya Union, adjacent to the plots owned by Lutfa Begum, Md. Intaj Fakir, and Ajal Bakhtiar. This action has angered many people, prompting Haseebul Hasan Shanto, the general editor of the Chaluya Union Chhatra League, to lead a group to Lutfar Begum's house on Tuesday morning. However, her husband, Abu Kauser Mohammed Shamsuzzaman, was not there at the time. Due to insecurity, he had already left the house, keeping his whereabouts secret. Even his son is away from home. They were threatened by members of the Chhatra League, led by Lutfar Begum, warning them that if they obstruct pond digging or file any complaints, they will be killed. Additionally, the perpetrators used indecent language and intimidation before leaving the scene.
The affected parties argue that powerful individuals want to dig ponds on their three bighas of land, along with two bighas of land belonging to another person. However, despite failing to dig ponds on their land, these powerful individuals have started digging ponds on the adjacent land. Due to this pond digging, there is now a fear that their land may be damaged and eventually submerged.
Regarding these allegations, Haseebul Hasan Shanto, the general editor of the Chaluya Union Chhatra League, stated to the media, "I have no involvement in the incident of issuing threats. Also, I did not go to Lutfar Begum's house. I was not there. I am only involved in the business of excavator machines or backhoe machines. I am not part of such troubles."
For clarification, the Upazila Executive Officer (UNO) Saida Khanam stated, "No one can dig ponds in agricultural land. Legal action will be taken against those who attempt to dig ponds. The individuals or groups involved will face legal consequences."
Officer-in-Charge Siddiqur Rahman of Char Ghat Police Station informed the media that one person has already been detained, and they are aware of the threats made. He also assured that legal action will be taken as per the instructions of the UNO.