Netrokona, Aug 01 (V7N) - In Netrokona, the family and residents are demanding justice for UP Member Md. Selim following his attack. On Tuesday, July 30, in front of Abul Kashem's tea shop at Amatla Bazaar in Amatla Union, Ward 1, local residents Md. Mosharraf Hossain Chanchal (33), Mamun Mia (20), Ripon Mia (23), and Entas Mia (35) assaulted UP Member Selim. According to a written complaint filed with Netrokona Model Police Station, the attackers physically assaulted Selim, hitting and kicking him severely.
The assault was stopped when market-goers took the injured UP Member Selim to Netrokona Sadar Hospital for treatment.
The incident has heightened tensions in the area, with supporters of UP Member Selim and the attackers' side in conflict. Residents are concerned that further unpleasant incidents may occur and are calling for a thorough investigation and justice.
UP Member Selim told Voice7 News that the attack is linked to a longstanding land dispute. "A party has been illegally occupying my ancestors' land for a long time. Recently, I took the matter to court, and since then, a land-grabbing gang has been threatening me to withdraw the case. This attack is a continuation of those threats. I demand a proper investigation and justice," Selim said.
Amatla Union Parishad Chairman Abdul Rab Sabuj informed Voice Seven on Thursday, August 1, around 2:30 PM, that he has heard about the incident but has not yet received any official communication regarding it.
Netrokona Model Police Station Officer-in-Charge Abul Kalam told Voice Seven on Thursday, August 1, around 2:15 PM, that a written complaint has been received. He assured that appropriate measures will be taken after verifying the details.